Minutes for Sept. 3, 2024 PTO Meeting

Villa Teresa PTO Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2024


I.              Meeting commenced with a welcome from the PTO president Beth DeGrace.

II.            Prayer by Sr. Veronica

III.           Principals Report –Sr. Veronica

·         This is our 75th year anniversary of the school

·         LC3 is full at this time.  We are adding another class to LC4.  Kindergarten classes have 17 and 18 students each.

2 first grade classes with 20 students each

3rd grade: 12 students

4th grade: 11 students

·         Villa Teresa provides several services to our students and their families: 

Next week:  Easter Seal will be here to test our students for Speech and Language:

Doris from I-denti-kid will also be here.

We will also have picture days September 23rd: 3-4 year olds; 24th K-4.  Students can be out of uniforms for the picture days.

·         Villa Teresa’s choir consists of the 3rd-4th grade students.

The choir is invited to St. Anthony on the 26th of September, for a special dedication.  Please have students at St. Anthony by 930am that day.

The choir is also invited to the Capital on October 15th.  We will take the 2nd-4th grade.  Details to follow at a later date.

Dance offered by Ms. Hurd for 3yr olds to 4th grade

Violin and Guitar are offered.

Piano: Sr. Gertrude.

Next week the school will have Vision screening.

·         Villa Teresa does a service every month.  This month our service is the Math-a-thon.  All proceeds will benefit the St. Jude Hospital

·         Faculty meeting is the last Monday of every month.  Volunteers are needed so that all teachers may attend.

·         Each family is asked to share 20 hours of stewardship.

·         Sr. also introduced all Teachers to the PTO members.

·         The 75th anniversary kick-off in June was a success.


IV.          President’s Report:  Beth DeGrace:

·         75 families referred to the Survey Monkey.

Teachers’ luncheon was held in August.  Each Teacher was given $50 gift card to the learning store to use as they chose.  Each staff member received $20 gift card.

·         There is a new PTO newsletter which was initiated this year.

The news letter will have up to date information about the school and PTO

·         Ice Cream Social will be held next Friday.

·         Halloween Carnival which is our largest fundraiser is held in October.  More information to follow.

·         Diane Bittle will speak about the fall fundraiser.  We will be selling raffle tickets instead of the usual fundraiser.


V.           Treasurer’s report:

·         Diana asked us to refer to the report.

·         She asked for a motion to place half of our funds into the parish fund for 3.5% return.

There was a motion for this and was approved.

·          Fall fundraiser is to sell $20 raffle ticket to each family with a grand prize of $5000.


VI.          Old Business:     Beth

·         We will need help filling the play grounds with fresh mulch.  Will get the date and have a sign up list for volunteers.


VII.         New Business:  Beth

·         Ms. Sofia needs table for the art class.  Cost $535.  A motion was made and approved.

·         Paula Gander:  Box top chairman.  According to Paula, we currently have 12600 points to Campbell Soups.  She will be sending those in for the school to redeem. 

Please continue to bring the box tops to the school.  She will have envelops for each class and may do a contest for the class with the most “box tops”.


  VII.                Meeting closed by Beth.


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