
Principal's Notes: Monday, Feb. 22, 2010

Monday Notes

February 22, 2010


Dear Families,


It’s hard to believe that the end of February is already upon us! We know Spring Break is right around the corner – also Spring pictures, T-Ball, Auction – all sorts of events! Please remember in your prayers the grandparents of three of our staff members who are very ill. Actually, Saturday, I received the message that the husband of the grandmother of our fourth grade teacher, Jeanie Ciupak passed away. Please pray for the soul of  Jim Alexander.


We are having dental screening this Thursday. Permission slips need to be returned before Thursday. Next week, March 2, 3 and 5th we will have our Spring Pictures taken. K-4th graders are to be in full uniform. Their picture session is on Friday.  LC 3 (with the exception of Ms Emily’s class) will be on March 2 and LC 4 (with Ms Emily’s class) will be March 3. Those in LC 4 are to wear their Villa Teresa T-shirt with navy or khaki skirts or pants.


The big hoopla this week was the news article on the action taken by a local principal – on the issue of TARDIES!!! As administrators and teachers, we all could empathize – even myself – notices have gone home, calls made, conferences and even the day I read the article, we talked with our children about it. To recap, I shared with your little ones (K-4th grade) that I realized that their parents are the ones who bring them to school (unlike the high school where some of the teenagers drive themselves). My plea to them was to help their parents get them to school ON TIME! By getting ready the night before, going to bed earlier so it’s not so hard to get up in the morning, moving when mom or dad calls the first time. I impressed upon them that their ‘job’ was school at the moment and that the value of promptness is important – that one day when they are working, employers do dismiss employees who are consistently late or don’t turn in their work on time. So now parents, I make my plea to you for the sake of your children. School begins with prayer at 8:30 a.m. by 8:40 a.m. your teacher is already beginning class. Usually in the younger grades, reading and language skills is the most popular subject as the beginning course of study. When your child comes in – and students have already finished and are working on the assignment that reinforces the skill and drill of the ‘new’ concept – your child feels left out and already behind. In active teaching and learning, there is no way to make up – every thing and most of what they learn is not confined to paper. We know you care about your child’s education or you would not have chosen Villa Teresa School, but we as a school need to work on eliminating excessive tardies. Two thirds of our school population is to be commended for being here when we are supposed to be, but a third is too much of a group of little ones missing out. Classes in LC 3 and 4 begin at 9:00 a.m. K-4th begin at 8:30 a.m.


That was a big paragraph! But I must confess, Sr. Immaculata and I helped one of the Laotian families that we sponsored by staying with the family of 5 kids under age 8 while the mother delivered her 7th baby in a hospital for the first time. Getting ready that many for school and trying to match socks was horrendous! I never knew there was so many combinations you could have – and still none matched! Can you tell I’m an only child! (smile).


Thanks to all who signed up to help with our Auction. There is a meeting Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. I was particularly jumping for joy that two of our parents are helping with childcare. Thanks Rosie Butler and Erika Moore. We will have some teenagers also assist.


The principals for the Archdiocese are going on retreat this Wednesday – please pray for us as we take time to pray and reflect upon our mission to be your servants. All of you will be in my prayers in a very special way. God bless you. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to Sr. Joseph Marie or Mandy.


Menu for February 22-26, 2010

Monday, Feb 22 – Beef stroganoff, corn, apricots, milk

Tuesday, Feb 23- Chicken patties, mashed potatoes, carrots, grapes, milk

Wednesday, Feb 24 – Spaghetti, green beans, fruit mix, milk

Thursday, Feb 25 – Crispitos, broccoli, diced pears, milk

Friday, Feb 26 – Cheese pizza, beans, sliced peaches, milk


Immersed in Christ (First Sunday in Lent)

Discipleship is Remembering and Reflecting

INVENTORY: How have the celebrations in our society formed you? Do they implant attitudes of gratitude (Thanksgiving), affect how you think and feel about life (Christmas)?  To “celebrate” is to “single out for grateful remembrance.”

INPUT: Keeping conscious of God is a key element in discipleship. Discipleship is a commitment to keep learning – it is a process of continual conversion. Disciple means ‘student” – one who learns in order to live more fully. The goal of learning is change and that is what Lent is all about.

Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:4-10; Luke 4:1-13; Romans 10:8-13

INSIGHT: Do I appreciate the value of the “three R’s (remembering, reflecting, and responding) – using memory, intellect and will to absorb and respond to God’s words? Enough to do it?

INITIATIVE: Reflect 5 minutes a day on the mass readings used during Lent.


*Immersed in Christ is a spirituality program created by Fr. David Knight.

1216 Classen Dr. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73103 . Phone: 405-232-4286